Britanci se sprašujejo, zakaj Kate Middleton v domači pisarni ni nosila zaročnega prstana

2. 4. 2020
Britanci se sprašujejo, zakaj Kate Middleton v domači pisarni ni nosila zaročnega prstana (foto: Profimedia)

Vojvodinja Kate Middleton že nekaj časa dela iz domače pisarne, saj svetu te dni vlada koronavirus.

V času, ko svetu vlada koronavirus, tudi britanska vojvodinja Kate Middleton dela iz domače pisarne.

Nedavno je razkrila, kako je videti njena domača pisarna, a številni so ob tem opazili, da vojvodinja ni nosila zaročnega prstana z legendarnim modrim safirjem, ki je nekoč krasil prstanec pokojne princese Diane.

No, ves strah je odveč, v zakonu Kate in princa Williama je vse tako kot mora biti, po vsej verjetnosti vojvodinja v teh dneh manj nakita nosi zaradi novega koronvirusa, saj si želi kar čim bolj temeljito umivati roke.

Prepričani smo, da ga bomo že kmalu spet lahko videli na njeni roki, ko bodo časi koronavirusa za nami.

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Self-isolation and social distancing can pose huge challenges to our mental health — in recent weeks The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been in regular contact with organisations and patronages to understand the issues they are facing during this difficult time. Last week ☎️ The Duke spoke to @mindcharity CEO Paul Farmer, and The Duchess spoke to Catherine Roche, CEO of @_place2be. Today Public Health England has published new guidance to help support people during the COVID-19 outbreak, and updated its world-leading Every Mind Matters platform, with specific advice on maintaining good mental wellbeing during the outbreak; take a look at our Story or visit the link in our bio 📱 to find out more. Speaking about the new guidance, The Duke and Duchess said: • “It is great to see the mental health sector working together with the NHS to help people keep on top of their mental well-being. • By pulling together and taking simple steps each day, we can all be better prepared for the times ahead”. • The Government has also announced a grant for @MindCharity to help fund their services for people struggling with their mental wellbeing during this time.

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