Savina Atai po presenetljivi poroki objavila poročne slike!

8. 5. 2020
Savina Atai po presenetljivi poroki objavila poročne slike! (foto: Aleksandra Saša Prelesnik)
Aleksandra Saša Prelesnik

Pred kratkim je javnost presenetila novica, da se je poročila Savina Atai.

Pred oltar se je sprehodila na Novi Zelandiji, kjer živi s svojim - zdaj že možem - Američanom Garretom. On je tudi njen poslovni sodelavec, Savina pa kar žari od sreče.

Lani je končala zvezo z Grkom Giorgosom, s katerim sta bila skupaj kar nekaj let, nato pa se je dokaj kmalu preselila na Novo Zelandijo.

Novico o poroki je delila tudi na svojem Instagram profilu, kjer je objavila lepe slike. Med drugim je zapisala: "V obdobju in težki preizkušnji v kateri je zdaj cel svet, postane tisto, kar je resnično pomembno, še toliko močnejše."

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MARRIED 💓💍 💓 During difficult and trying times, such as the the world is currently facing, what is truly important becomes even stronger. The Golden Women in my online school surprised me with the most touching bachelorette party. Online bachelorette party. It was truly unforgettable, as I got to share it live with more than 600 bridesmaids, with even more women joining in later! 🙏🙏🙏💓💓 The fact that Garrett and I found each other, two such incredible life stories, is a miracle. I am so at peace with my decision because I know that I have done absolutely everything in my power for my previous relationship. The pain I felt when my heart and the life I was building with shattered... softened me. Sometimes love isn’t enough to keep a relationship going. But if we can put our love before our ego and our pain, it is possible to transform our relationship into something new and different. With my previous partner we managed to do so and I am so incredibly proud of us. But now it’s time to focus on the present. 💓💓 This was the easiest decision I have ever made in my life. I didn’t doubt it for a second. It feels so natural. I heard the phrase “When it’s right, you’ll know it in your heart,” a million times, yet, with all due respect and love for my past, I never understood it. But now I do. I understand it with my heart and soul. When you know, you know! 💓 POROČENA 💓💍 💓 V obdobju in težki preizkušnji v kateri je zdaj cel svet, postane tisto, kar je resnično pomembno, še toliko močnejše. 🇸🇮 Slovensko v kometarjih: podrobneje o poroki in najina zgodba Ljubezni pa v ONAplus reviji.💓 #married #wedding #whenyouknow #quarantinewedding #onlinebacheloretteparty #onaplus

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