Khloe Kardashian bo vsak čas rodila, Tristana pa so zasačili z drugo!

11. 4. 2018
Khloe Kardashian bo vsak čas rodila, Tristana pa so zasačili z drugo! (foto: profimedia)

Fant 33-letne Khloe Kardashian in oče njunega še nerojenega otroka Tristan Thompson te dni polni naslovnice rumentih medijev. Na spletu se je namreč pojavil posnetek iz avle nekega hotela v New Yorku, na katerem je Tristan objet v družbi neznanke.

Zgodilo naj bi se v soboto, 27-letnega zvezdnika NBA lige pa so v družbi rjavolaske na fotografije ujeli tudi pri Daily Mailu.

Khloe Kardashian je ta hip v zadnjem mesecu nosečnosti.

TSR STAFF: Myeisha E.! @myeisha.essex ________________________________________ #Roommates, there's more!!!! ________________________________________ So earlier today, video of Tristan at a NYC club leaked and you can see a girl all up in his grill. Well, #Roomies THE TEA RUNNETH OVER!!! We have exclusive footage of the two of them leaving the DAY party (where you saw her all up in his face) together and arriving back to his team HOTEL around 8:30pm on April 7th. He got there wearing a black Supreme jacket, and FOUR hours later, the pair reemerge from the hotel with Tristan changing his outfit for the next event. _______________________________________ Then they hopped into the same SUV and headed to Soho House (for the night party) in the Meatpacking district, which is a member's only club with strict cellphone policy. Then at 5am, they returned to his hotel together AGAIN and he even held the door open for her like a gentleman. _______________________________________ The next day (April 8th), she was seen again leaving the hotel (while Tristan stayed behind in the hotel) around 8pm still wearing her exact same outfit as the night before. Sis even had an overnight bag in hand! : Splash News #TSRExclusive

A post shared by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom) on Apr 10, 2018 at 2:43pm PDT

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