Bivša punca princa Harryja o svojih težavah: Mislila je, da si ne zasluži sreče

17. 10. 2019
Ellie Goulding<br />Znana angleška pevka Ellie Goulding (32 let) je pred tremi leti s svojim fotografom skoraj umrla na zmrznjenem norveškem jezeru. Na njem sta bila z avtomobilom, ko je led na lepem začel pokati in začela sta toniti. Na koncu sta se rešila skozi streho avtomobila in s skokom v jezero, in to pri temperaturi vode –25 stopinj. (foto: Profimedia Profimedia, Ddp Images)
Ellie Goulding<br />Znana angleška pevka Ellie Goulding (32 let) je pred tremi leti s svojim fotografom skoraj umrla na zmrznjenem norveškem jezeru. Na njem sta bila z avtomobilom, ko je led na lepem začel pokati in začela sta toniti. Na koncu sta se rešila skozi streho avtomobila in s skokom v jezero, in to pri temperaturi vode –25 stopinj.
Profimedia Profimedia, Ddp Images

Angleška pevka Ellie Goulding je na svojem Instagram profilu spregovorila o svojih psihičnih težavah.

Ellie je zdaj sicer poročena, a včasih je bila dekle princa Harryja. Zdaj je zapisala. "Z vami bi rada delila nekaj o psihičnem zdravju, saj verjamem, da bo nekomu pomagalo. Imamo pravico počutiti se tako, kot se počutimo, ne glede na to, za kaj gre in ne glede na to, kdo smo. Razburjenje, norost, čisto nič, zmedenost, kronično žalost."

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Sorry this is a little late, but I had to speak about about Mental Health Awareness, for what it’s worth. We all have a right to feel what we do, whatever it is, whoever we are- Exhilaration, madness, absolutely nothing at all, confusion, chronic sadness... (I can sometimes feel all these things in the space of a few days). I am beyond relieved that more light is being shone on the complexity of going from being a touring artist/ performer to going straight back to normality on a regular basis. The constant change of pace is sometimes just too much to bare. Thank you to those artists who have spoken so candidly about it lately. I know I chose this job but nothing could have prepared me for the ups and downs that come with it. I know for sure that a lot of my anxiety has come from what they call “imposter syndrome” not believing in myself enough and thinking that I don’t deserve happiness, which results in wanting to sabotage my own success. I keep my head straight by training every day (running and boxing mainly) and although it is so hard sometimes to be motivated, the feeling of blood pumping through my veins and a human body performing the way it so impressively does reminds me how cool it is to be alive. Today I’m thinking about my grandfather, who took his own life a few years back. I wish I had spoken to him more, and wish we could have had even the smallest clue of how unhappy he was. I admire those who get out of bed every morning and seize the day, even when they’re not feeling too great. That requires a lot of courage. Please know that you are doing amazingly and I’m proud of you. Ellie xx #mentalhealthawareness

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Ellie je še razložila, da so se ji psihične težave pojavile zaradi kariere. "Vem, da sem sama izbrala to delo, a nič me ni moglo pripraviti na vzpone in padce, ki pridejo z njim." Prepričana je, da je za njeno aksioznost odgovorno to, da ne verjame dovolj vase in si misli, da si ne zasluži sreče. To pa včasih sabotira lastni uspeh, je prepričana.

Kljub vsemu je optimistična - vsak dan telovadi, čeprav se težko spravi k temu. Pravi, da občuduje vse, ki zjutraj vstanejo in gredo skozi dan ne glede na to, kako slabo se počutijo. "Za to je potrebnega veliko poguma," je še dodala Ellie.

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