Bode Miller in njegova soproga leto dni po izgubi hčerkice pričakujeta dvojčka!

13. 8. 2019
Bode Miller in njegova soproga leto dni po izgubi hčerkice pričakujeta dvojčka! (foto: Profimedia)

Legendarni smučar Bode Miller in njegova soproga Morgan sta sporočila veselo novico: slavni par leto dni po tragediji, v kateri sta izgubila takrat najmlajšo hčerkico, pričakuje dvojčka.

Morgan in Bode sta to razkrila v oddaji Today in dodala, da pričakujeta fantka. "Od začetka najine zveze je govoril, da si želi identična fantka, ki se bosta rodila na moj rojstni dan. Ko sem izvedela, da sem noseča, sem ga vprašala, če misli, da sta tokrat dvojčka, a je dejal, da ne misli tako," je dejala Morgan.

Dvojčka naj bi privekala na svet 11. novembra, en mesec po Bodejevem rojstnem dnevu.

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Losing a child while pregnant was the most confusing experience of my life. The conflict of emotions from what was pure joy turned to guilt and terror overnight. How could I love this baby the way I loved Emmy? Was it okay to love this baby the way I loved Emmy? It felt like by loving my son, I was trying to replace her. The fear of birthing my son and what that meant .....a monumental step forward....proof that time continued without her when all I wanted was for time to stop. But let me say this....I couldn’t have been more wrong. Easton provided us an even closer bond to his sister. The moment I heard his cry, something sparked back alive in my soul. Hope. Love. I’m not sure. But in that moment, I knew I was Mom and my kids deserved the world from me. Everything was going to be okay. My joy and grief could coexist. Now, I can actually say with joy and excitement that we are expecting identical twin boys. From the day I met my husband, he has always said he wanted identical twin boys born on his birthday. We are due on the lucky day/angel number of 11/11 which is not far off from @millerbode Birthday of 10/12. From the beginning of this pregnancy, we knew Emmy had her hands in this miracle somehow.

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Po tragični smrti hčerkice Emeline, ki se je utopila v bazenu, sta dobila sinčka Eastona, zdaj starega 10 mesecev. Morgan zdaj čuti veliko srečo: "Od začetka te nosečnosti sva vedela, da je Emmy povezana s tem čudežom."

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