Igralec Justin Theroux ima težave s sosedi in je končal na sodišču

16. 3. 2019 | Vir: Lady
The battle over 40 square feet of deck continues for Jennifer Anistons ex, Justin Theroux, who appeared in court Wednesday for the first time as his lawyer begged a judge to reign in his neighbor, Norman Resnicow, accused of terrorizing the celebs West Village co-op. The judge did not issue any rulings, though he did direct Resnicow to be "more easygoing" and to stay away from Theroux and other tenants. **NO NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, NO NEW YORK TIMES, NO NEWSDAY**.
27 Feb 2019, Image: 416571597, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO Australia, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency (foto: PROFIMEDIA PROFIMEDIA, MEGA AGENCY)
The battle over 40 square feet of deck continues for Jennifer Anistons ex, Justin Theroux, who appeared in court Wednesday for the first time as his lawyer begged a judge to reign in his neighbor, Norman Resnicow, accused of terrorizing the celebs West Village co-op. The judge did not issue any rulings, though he did direct Resnicow to be "more easygoing" and to stay away from Theroux and other tenants. **NO NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, NO NEW YORK TIMES, NO NEWSDAY**. 27 Feb 2019, Image: 416571597, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO Australia, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency

Nekdanji soprog Jennifer Aniston (50 let), Justin Theroux (47 let), ima že več kot leto dni hude težave s sosedom v zgradbi v New Yorku, kjer tudi živi.

Prišlo je celo do groženj, fizičnih obračunov in prepirov, tako da je vse skupaj končalo na sodišču. Sosed Norman Resnicow je videl težavo zaradi 40 kvadratnih metrov velike posesti, za katero oba mislita, da jima pripada. In ker se sama nista mogla dogovoriti, sta Justin in Norman pravico poiskala na sodišču. Igralčev odvetnik pravi, da zahtevajo nazaj svojo posest in da bi znova radi imeli mir.

Prav tako si tega želi Resnicow. Zaslišanje na sodišču je trajalo eno uro, a na koncu niso dosegli dogovora. Gospod Resnicow je po poklicu odvetnik, kar stvar še zaplete, saj se spretno izogiba vsem pastem. Edina sreča za igralca je ta, da so drugi sosedje na njegovi strani, saj se sami že dolgo pritožujejo nad vedenjem soseda Resnicowa, ki jih nenehno vznemirja.

Besedilo: Sandra Bratuša // Fotografiji: Profimedia

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