Iznajdljiva Bella Hadid: Gola je pozirala za Vouge, slikali pa so jo prek videoklica

15. 4. 2020
Iznajdljiva Bella Hadid: Gola je pozirala za Vouge, slikali pa so jo prek videoklica (foto: Profimedia)

Lepa manekenka se ponaša z laskavim nazivom najlepše ženske v letu 2019, zato ne čudi dejstvo, da se znane revije potegujejo za njene slike.

Bella dobro ve, da se železo kuje, dokler je vroče, zato je z veseljem pozirala za izzivalne fotografije - na nekaterih je obuta samo v čevlje in okrašena z nakitom.

Kljub temu, da je v izolaciji, podjetna 23-letnica ni zanemarila snemanj, temveč se je znašla in pozirala za znameniti Vouge s pomočjo videoklica.

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Far Away So Close. @BellaHadid joined the project with @BriannalCapozzi and @HaleyWollens. About the shooting, Brianna said: “The day before the shoot, Haley and I tested out poses together on facetime; this is always our process, but not within the confinement of a cell phone screen. It was pretty hilarious. Then we called Bella Hadid and did a fitting, it was fun to have the intimacy of the three of us, everyone's opinions were considered, and lots of jokes always. Then we hung up and Bella went off to do her hair and makeup, she did a stellar job, this is why she's a supermodel! She is the full package and always makes it exciting and fun. Bella's friend Lauren, who is a creative director when she’s not stuck in the house, acted as a dream photo assistant & fashion assistant, taking the liberty to order a ring light the night before, and always on hand to hold a mirror or grab a pair of socks. When we actually start shooting it was quite funny, I would call Bella back from my computer, because the quality is better with two people. Haley would then call Lauren's phone and they would put Haley and I side by side so that we could both see a similar frame. Haley and I could not see each other, but being the loud New Yorkers we are, we had no problem hearing each other!” Discover the full Far Away So Close portfolio in our April Issue on newsstands. #FarAwaySoClose #imagine #WhiteCanvas --- Editor in chief @EFarneti Creative director @FerdinandoVerderi

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