Hollywoodska igralca Brad Pitt in Jennifer Aniston sta kot kaže odlična prijatelja, če ne še kaj več.
Brad Pitt in Jennifer Aniston sta oba slavila na podelitvi nagrad SAG, igralec je dobil nagrado za vlogo v filmu Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood, igralka pa se je kipca razveselila za vlogo v seriji The Morning Show.
A bolj kot njune nagrade, so številne navdušile fotografije, ki so prišle na dan po podelitvi nagrad. Zakulisje je bilo seveda veliko bolj zanimivo kot pa tisto, kar se je dogajalo na odru.
Brad in Jennifer sta bila v zakulisju videti tako zelo sproščena drug z drugim, da bi marsikdo pomislil, da se med nekdanjima zakoncema spet nekaj plete. Še posebej je bilo zanimivo opazovati, kako zelo pozorno je Brad poslušal govor svoje nekdanje žene in zdelo se je, da je bil nad njim navdušen.
V zakulisju sta se ves čas dotikala drug drugega in videti je bilo, da sta si bližje kot kdajkoli prej. Zdaj, ko sta oba samska, se zdi, da bi se med njima znova lahko vžgale iskrice, kljub temu, da je igralka takšna namigovanja v zadnjih mesecih večkrat zanikala.
No, fotografije vsekakor povejo več kot tisoč besed, zato si lahko vsak misli svoje in si ustvari svojo sliko o njunem odnosu.
The cutest moment of the night? Brad Pitt made sure to catch Jennifer Aniston's #SAGAwards win backstage pic.twitter.com/bfOF2M3wEe
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) January 20, 2020
hough Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston have continuously denied any and all rumors of a romantic reunion between them two—Twitter believes otherwise.
All eyes were on the former spouses as the two celebrated their separate wins at the 26th annual SAG Awards—Pitt for his performance in Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood and Aniston for her role in Apple TV’s The Morning Show.
Though Aniston rejected the concept of the two getting back together on the SAG red carpet—she even brushed off recent rumors as “hilarious”—backstage photos of the two actors embracing after Aniston’s win continued to tease longtime shippers of the former couple that maybe—just maybe!—a single spark could still exist between the two.
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