Poglejte si, kako so nekateri zvezdniki praznovali novo leto

11. 1. 2020
Poglejte si, kako so nekateri zvezdniki praznovali novo leto (foto: Profimedia)

Od romantičnih selfijev do norih zabav - poglejte si, kje in kako so zvezdniki dočakali novo leto 2020!

Nekateri pa so se od leta 2019 poslovili tako, da so objavili kolaž spominov leta 2019.

Khloe Kardashian

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☾ 2019, Im happily saying goodbye They tell you that you shouldn’t look back but I’m going to suggest that you do. Be brave, look back and reflect on your past year; Or the past decade! It’s OK to remind yourself of what you went through and what you overcame. We may not be able to control what happens to us but we can control how we react to it. We must remember that all things are powerless unless we give them power. So let that power be empathy, understanding, kindness, grace, love and respect. Remember that God has and always will have your back. Have faith that life will get better as long as we believe in ourselves. We must internally feel grateful for everything and strive to become better people daily. Remind yourself how incredible your life is. How you’re still standing, thriving, smiling. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that what we take with us, is so much greater than what we left behind. I am choosing to only take with me the happiest of times! As I made this video of the past year; I can’t help but smile! True you are my entire heart! My happy place! My Forever and always! I love you ♡ I pray you leave everything that does not serve you purpose, happiness, peace, love and health back in 2019. 2020 I welcome you with all of my heart!! ☾ 🎶 Des’ree- I’m kissing you

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Miley Cyrus

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Pre Party 2020

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Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner

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Happy New Years Everyone! The best year of my life. So far. 2020 vision all they Way! ❤️🍾

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Chrissy Teigen

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sinus drugs got me fucked uppppp. 1 hour til countdown but I’m out love u guys!!

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Nič več puljenja plevela: spomladi nanj potresite eno živilo iz kuhinje

Kylie Jenner

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Okay Kylie!!

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Justin Bieber

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Hilary Duff

Elizabeth Hurley

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Happy New Year from my house to yours ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Reese Witherspoon

Hailey Bieber

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please be my New Years kiss even when I’m 80!!!

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Selma Blair

Kate Beckinsale

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Happy New Year everyone ❤️ May your new year kiss be with someone as committed to oral hygiene as mine was 💋

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