Poglejte si, kakšno pisarno ima Camilla Parker Bowles, očarani boste

8. 4. 2020
Poglejte si, kakšno pisarno ima Camilla Parker Bowles, očarani boste (foto: Profimedia)

Vojvodinja Camilla Parker Bowles s princem Charlesom te dni domuje na Škotskem, kjer je pokazala tudi svojo domačo pisarno in navdušila.

V času koronavirusa tudi kraljeve glave na tvegajo in delajo od doma. Vojvodinja Camilla Parker Bowles ni nobena izjema, nedavno pa je pokazala, kako je videti njena pisarna na Škotskem, kjer že nekaj časa bivata s princem Charlesom.

Camillina pisarna je tako vse polna družinskih fotografij, ne manjka pa niti fotografij njenih psov in konjev. Na mizi ne manjkajo rože, nikjer pa ni bilo videti računalnika in vse se zdi, da Camilla še vedno prisega na papir in svinčnik, z računalnikom pa se ne ubada, če to ni zares nujno potrebno.

Presenetila pa je tudi njena podoba, saj na fotografiji ni nosila skoraj nobenih ličil in številne je presenetilo, ko so jo videli v tej podobi. No, vsekakor je treba priznati, da je videti zelo sveže in spočito in da ji dnevi v karanteni dobro denejo. Še posebej zdaj, ko je princ Charles uspešno premagal koronavirus in sta zopet lahko skupaj in tako uživata v njuni zakonski idili.

Pet znakov, da se bo vaše življenje kmalu drastično spremenilo
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The Princess of Wales is out of her self-isolation just a few days before her 15th wedding anniversary, although she and her husband will, of course, continue in quarantine at their Scottish home, Birkhall. Earlier today, HRH was on the phone, in her capacity as president of the Royal Voluntary Service which has been working with the NHS to recruit people in England who can assist those in need with practical and emotional support, with 85-year-old Doris Winfield who has also spent the past two weeks self-isolating. They spoke of how hard it was to spend time away from family and friends, but being able to see them digitally helped. Camilla admitted that what she missed the most was hugging her grandchildren. “Having a chat with the HRH The Duchess of Cornwall meant the world to me. I’ve been incredibly lonely over the last couple of weeks and it was wonderful to talk to her,” Doris said in a statement released by Clarence House. “We talked about life in isolation and shared hobbies, she was very interested in my family and how I was coping without them. It’s really cheered me up!” she continued. The Princess also sent a message of thanks to the charity. “I wanted to send my warmest thanks to all the NHS Volunteer Responders who have come forward in unprecedented numbers to offer help to the NHS,” she said. “Everyone working in the NHS is under unimaginable pressure day and night in this crisis. I feel sure that the presence of so many wonderful volunteers will encourage, as well as support, them. I salute each one of you — and thank you with all my heart.” #britishroyalfamily #charlesandcamilla #camillaparkerbowles #duchessofcornwall

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