Princ Harry je že prišel v Kanado in na letališču pokazal nasmejan obraz

22. 1. 2020
Princ Harry je že prišel v Kanado in na letališču pokazal nasmejan obraz (foto: Profimedia)

Princ Harry je že prišel v Kanado, kjer se je pridružil svoji ženi Meghan Markle.

Princ Harry se je že vrnil v Kanado, kjer se je pridružil vojvodinji Meghan Markle, ki je v Kanadi že vse od začetka novembra, v London se je vrnila le za nekaj dni in nato ponovno odletela nazaj v Kanado.

Princ Harry je v Londonu urejal vse podrobnosti glede umika iz kraljeve družine in se nato vrnil nazaj v Kanado, kjer si bosta z Meghan Markle ustvarila novo gnezdece.

Harry ni skrival, da je komaj čakal, da se vrne nazaj v objem svoje družine, ki je vse te dni ostajala v Kanadi.

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REPOST @thesun A clearly happy Harry, 35, landed at 9.47pm local time after dashing from talks finalising his Megxit split from the royal family. He stepped straight into a waiting silver Toyota 4x4 on Vancouver Island shielded by five bodyguards for the 10-minute journey to his wife at their £11 million mansion hideaway. The royal rebel’s arrival following nearly two weeks of negotiation with senior royals and aides came after eight-month-old son Archie’s bedtime. His beaming demeanour matched that of the 38-year-old duchess, who had been spotted out hiking with Archie cuddled close to her chest in an island park hours earlier. Harry was so eager to leave London he ducked out of a Buckingham Palace evening reception he was supposed to be co-hosting. Yesterday, Prince Harry appeared at the UK-Africa Investment Summit in Greenwich alongside Boris Johnson, meeting the presidents of Malawi and Mozambique and the prime minister of Morocco. During the summit Harry took time out for a 20-minute heart-to heart with the PM in a private room at the Intercontinental hotel. But he skipped the later engagement to board a nine-and-a-half hour afternoon British Airways flight to Vancouver connecting with a light plane to the nearby island. Two royal protection officers - still paid for by British taxpayers - joined him on the journey and three more greeted his 15-minute West Jet turbo prop hop. His car was drawn up to the plane steps and he was ushered off with officers before other passengers then driven in the three-car convoy through a side exit. The airport is just a 10-minute drive from the stunning secluded mansion - owned by a mystery pal - in North Saanich where Meghan was waiting. Harry is expected to sleep off his jet lag before spending time catching up with his family and fine-tuning their plans for their new non-royal life.

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Zaslišala je hrup. Ko je pogledala božično drevo, ji je vzelo sapo

Harry je po umiku iz kraljeve družine povedal, da je bila to vse prej kot lahka odločitev in da mu je zelo žal, da se je na koncu tako izteklo. Želel si je, da bi ostal del kraljeve družine in pri tem ostal finančno neodvisen, a takšna rešitev na koncu ni bila mogoča.

Vsekakor bo zanimivo spremljati novo življenje kraljevega para, ki bo odslej deloval precej drugače, a smo prepričani, da jima dela nikakor ne bo zmanjkalo, saj ponudbe za poslovna sodelovanja dežujejo z vseh strani.

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