Se spomnite MacGyverja?
MacGyver je bil zelo spreten človek, ki mu je uspelo narediti neverjetne stvari, kot na primer plastični eksploziv iz žvečilnega gumija, radarja in rakete. V seriji je v vlogi MacGyverja več let navduševal Richard Dean Anderson, ki je 23. januarja dopolnil 70 let.
Igralec pa je še bolj zaslovel kot Jack O`Neill v seriji Zvezdna vrata (Stargate SG1). Z igralko Apryl Prose imata skupej hčer Wylie Quinn Annarose Anderson, vendar se nikoli nista poročila. Po rojstvu njune hčerke sta se kmalu razšla.
Preden je začel svojo igralsko kariero je želel postati hokejist, vendar je to željo moral opustiti, ko si je v dveh nesrečah polomil obe roki. Obe nesreči sta se zgodili v roku treh tednov med igranjem hokeja v gimnaziji.
Čeprav sta se obe seriji končali že nekaj časa nazaj, ima igralec še vedno veliko oboževalcev, preberite si nekaj čestitk, ki so mu jih namenili ob njegovem rojstnem dnevu.
As a kid, I grew up with MacGyver & Stargate. As an adult, I finally got to meet the man himself. The pics are from my very first photo op, to my most recent, and some of the other times in between. He’s one of the nicest guys around. Happy birthday, Rick! 😊 #RichardDeanAnderson
— Jacqueline (@itsjustmejac) January 23, 2020
Happy Birthday #RichardDeanAnderson🥳 - the one and only!
— CL#StargateNow (@Lyramuc1) January 23, 2020
Can the general come back from retirement... please?🙌(➡️clear request to MGM???!!!and please bring the team back!!!!) #WeWantStargate #weneedSG1
Happy Birthday, Rick! Thanks for the good times. You be you ❤️#DailyDistraction #StargateSG1 #WeWantStargate #RichardDeanAnderson
— Rachael Sunday (@rsundayr) January 23, 2020
HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY to #RichardDeanAnderson
— Gone_fishing (@Gone_fishing_ES) January 23, 2020
23-01-2020 In his own words " L.T.S , If it's not fun, It's not worth doing anymore"
Thanks for sharing the fun. 🎂
Happy Birthday to the one and only #RichardDeanAnderson! ❤️ You are my and many people‘s hero and the world is blessed to have you and your beautiful heart and soul in it. 🙏🏻💖 #Stargate #MacGyver #WeWantStargate #StargateSG1 #JackONeill
— Steffi 🔜 Star Trek: The Cruise (@Larkistin89) January 23, 2020
I grew up with #MacGyver and Thanks to #RichardDeanAnderson I fell in love with #Stargate #StargateSG1. Wishing you a very happy 70th birthday! ❤️❤️
— Karin #holunda (@Karindevisser83) January 23, 2020
The legendary #MacGyver turned 70 years old today. Happy birthday to legendary actor, #RichardDeanAnderson.
— Mark A Tadajewski (@MarkATad75) January 23, 2020
On Jan. 23, 1950 #RichardDeanAnderson was born. Happy 70th Birthday Richard aka #MacGuyver! I love that show! I grew up watching it in the 80's!
— Aaron J. (@TheRealAJ_) January 24, 2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this dude! I’m forever grateful to Stargate SG-1 (fueled by his leadership & dry wit) for making my life better. He’ll always own a piece of my heart. #RichardDeanAnderson
— ࿊•𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚊 𝙽𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚗•࿊ (@Mars_Rae) January 23, 2020
Happy birthday, #RichardDeanAnderson! 🎂🍰🎈🎊🎉🎁 #MacGyver #StargateSG1
— JJAReyes (@Blade_theDJ) January 23, 2020
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