Soproga Aleca Baldwina v 4. mesecu nosečnosti izgubila otroka

13. 11. 2019
Alec in Hilaria v Cannesu. Foto: Profimedia
Alec in Hilaria v Cannesu. Foto: Profimedia

Hilaria Baldwin, 35-letna žena znanega hollywoodskega igralca Aleca Baldwina, je na družbenem omrežju objavila žalostno novico - na rednem ginekološkem pregledu je izvedela, da je spet imela spontani splav.

Pred sedmimi meseci je že imela en splav, zato se je par zelo razveselil, ko sta izvedela, da je Hilaria vnovič noseča. Bila je v četrtem mesecu, pričakovala pa je deklico.

"Zelo smo žalostni, ker smo pravkar izvedeli, da je najin otrok umrl pri 4 mesecih. Hočem tudi da veste, da čeprav zdaj morda nisva v redu, bova," je v objavi zapisala Hilaria.

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We are very sad to share that today we learned that our baby passed away at 4 months. We also want you to know that even though we are not ok right now, we will be. We are so lucky with our 4 healthy babies—and we will never lose sight of this. I told Carmen and took this so I could send it to Alec. I guess this is a good way to share it with you too. I told her that this baby isn’t going to come after all...but we will try very hard to give her a little sister another time. I’m really devastated right now...I was not expecting this when I went to my scan today. I don’t know what else to say...I’m still in shock and don’t have this all quite clear. Please no paparazzi...that’s all I ask ❤️

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Hilaria in Alec imata hčerko Carmen ter tri sinove: Rafaela, Leonarda in Romea. Vedno pa sta si želela veliko družino, kar sta tudi večkrat poudarila.

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