Tori Spelling razkrila, kako se počuti na snemanju serije Beverly Hills 90210

30. 7. 2019
Tori Spelling razkrila, kako se počuti na snemanju serije Beverly Hills 90210 (foto: Profimedia)

Številni oboževalci nekoč priljubljene najstniške serije Beverly Hills 90210 se veselijo, saj se bodo kmalu pričeli predvajati novi deli serije.

Zagotovo pa se najbolj veselijo dejstva, da bodo v njej nastopali igralci iz prvotne postave - Shannen Doherty, Jason Priestley, Jennie Garth, Ian Ziering, Gabrielle Carteris, Brian Austin Green in Tori Spelling. Premiera serije je napovedana za 7. avgust.

Ob tem je Tori Spelling na svojem Instagram profilu opisala, kako se zabavajo na snemanju: "Zabavamo se v slogu. S celotno ekipo smo slavili rojstni dan producentke ob dobri hrani, vinu in pogovoru v zadnjem tednu snemanja. Ne morem verjeti, da smo spet skupaj. Bilo je čudovito biti na prizorišču snemanja s prijatelji iz preteklosti. Ian Ziering je dejal, da je bilo tako kot na kampiranju. Gre za izkušnjo, ki je nikoli ne bom pozabila." Ob tem je objavila fotografije z večerje v Vancouvru.

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Such a fun night last night @bh90210 style... - All work and no play makes the #bh90210 cast no fun... So last night, the cast, producers, fab costume designer @mandiline , my hair bestie @laurarugetti , and some of our spouses went to a much needed group hangout to celebrate our friend & producer @ruthannesecunda22 belated birthday and to just all share some good food, wine, and conversations together ( you were missed @jason_priestley and @snowboardercollie )as we enter our final week of filming ( well, for this season) of @bh90210 . - Had a great evening with an amazing view at @liftbarandgrill in Coal Harbor in Vancouver. Such a spectacular view of the harbor and the 1st night of #celebrationoflights . - Can’t believe we are shooting the season finale now and will be done filming on Friday. It’s been an incredible experience this first go around with friends from the past. As @ianziering pointed out it’s been like summer camp! An experience I’ll never forget and treasure forever. Can’t wait till we film Season 2! - We premiere August 7th on @foxtv . - So glad our “family” is back together! #bettertogether #vancouver #beverlyhills #beverlyhills90210 . - Welcome to our @bh90210 family my friend @deniserichards

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