Revija Vogue še nikoli ni imela take naslovnice: Krasi jo 85-letna igralka Judi Dench

6. 5. 2020
Judi Dench (foto: Profimedia)
Judi Dench

To pa je dejstvo, ki je marsikoga presenetilo.

Znana igralka je namreč najstarejša ženska v zgodovini te revije, ki krasi njeno naslovnico.

Zanjo je pozirala v ogrinjalu s cvetličnim potiskom, ki je delo modne hiše Dolce & Gabbana. Sama pa je dejala, da se tudi po 60 letih kariere ne namerava upokojiti.

Lepa fotografija je bila posneta v njenem domu v Surreyju, preden so začeli veljati samoizolacijski ukrepi v Veliki Britaniji.

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At the beginning of March, before the world went into lockdown, @BritishVogue enjoyed an audience with one of the nation’s most beloved citizens. I can’t tell you how pleased I am to see Dame Judi Dench, the unassailable queen of stage and screen, starring on her first Vogue cover at the age of 85 – making her the oldest cover star in the history of the magazine. For the June 2020 issue, she speaks to @GilesHattersley about everything from why retirement is out of the question to her enduring love of champagne, and brings a message of hope from her own quarantine in the English countryside. Click the link in bio to read the interview and see the full story in the new issue, on newsstands and available for digital download Thursday 7 May. #JudiDench wears a trench coat by @DolceGabbana. Photographed by @Nick_Knight and styled by @KPhelan123, with hair by @SamMcKnight1, make-up by @TheValGarland, nails by @MikePocock and set design by @TomoTattle.

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