Rihanna na naslovnici revije Vouge: Spet se je zapisala v zgodovino mode!

1. 4. 2020
Rihanna na naslovnici revije Vouge: Spet se je zapisala v zgodovino mode! (foto: Profimedia)

Pevka in igralka Rihanna je glavna zvezda majevske izdaje britanskega Vougea, ki bo prvič objavljen tudi na spletu.

Lepotica z Barbadosa je ob tej priložnosti posnela dve naslovnici, a zaradi modnega dodatka, ki ga nosi na slikah, se je zagotovo zapisala v zgodovino mode.

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@BadGalRiri stars on the second of two special covers for the May 2020 issue – debuting the first durag on a cover of #BritishVogue. From sparking a beauty revolution with her billion-dollar @FentyBeauty empire to orchestrating industry-defining, inclusive catwalks, Rihanna shows no signs of stopping. Read the full interview with @AfuaHirsch – where they discuss music, fashion and how many children she sees herself having over red wine – at the link in bio now. #Rihanna wears a jacket by @MaisonMargiela Artisanal by @JGalliano, a @SavageXFenty lace body, a @StephenJonesMillinery durag and necklaces by @ChromeHeartsOfficial and @LauraCJewelry. Photographed by @StevenKleinStudio and styled by @Edward_Enninful, with hair by @YusefHairNYC and @NaphiisBeautifulHair, make-up by @IsamayaFfrench using @FentyBeauty and nails by @RedHotNails. With thanks to @JillDemling.

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Gre za durag oziroma ruto, ki se zaveže okrog glave in ki velja za simbol kulture temnopoltih ljudi. To ruto so namreč najprej nosile sužnje, da bi prikrile svojo naravno lepoto in poudarile svoj status ponižne delavke.

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The May 2020 issue of British Vogue was created prior to the pandemic which has subsequently brought the world almost to a halt. In any case, we couldn’t imagine a better cover star than @BadGalRiri, an advocate for tolerance whose rallying cry has redefined every industry she’s turned her hand to, and whose generous spirit saw her make a $5 million donation to fight Covid-19 with her @ClaraLionelFdn earlier this month. In the new issue the multi-hyphenate talks to @AfuaHirsch about her forthcoming album, her desire to become a mother and why she won’t be pinned down. See the full story in the new issue, on newsstands and available for free digital download Friday 3 April, and read the full interview now at the link in bio. #Rihanna wears all @Burberry by @RiccardoTisci17 and a @StephenJonesMillinery durag. Photographed by @StevenKleinStudio and styled by @Edward_Enninful, with hair by @YusefHairNYC and @NaphiisBeautifulHair, make-up by @IsamayaFfrench using @FentyBeauty and nails by @RedHotNails. With thanks to @JillDemling.

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Sčasoma je prvotni pomen padel v pozabo, dandanes pa take naglavne rute povezujejo s številnimi slavnimi Afroameričani. Z ulic so se preselile na modne revije, zdaj pa je to ruto na svoj način počastila tudi Rihanna.

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