Sarah Jessica Parker se je z novo kolekcijo čevljev poklonila Carrie Bradshaw

28. 2. 2020
Sarah Jessica Parker se je z novo kolekcijo čevljev poklonila Carrie Bradshaw (foto: profimedia)

Igralka Sarah Jessica Parker nikoli ne bo pozabila lika, ki jo je izstrelil med zvezde.

Govorimo o navihani Carrie Bradshaw in legendarne serije Seks v mestu. Sarah se je spominom na lik in serijo poklonila s svojo kolekcijo čevljev.

Ti so marsikoga navdušili, oboževalce pa spomnili na čase predvajanja serije, v kateri so prav čevlji glavnega lika pogosto bili v prvem planu.

V sodelovanju z Instagram profilom Every outfit on Sex and the City je Sarah oblikovala par sandal - en čevelj je rumene, drugi pa rožnate barve.

Čevlje različnih barv je Sarah nosila v seriji, s tem pa je sprožila novi trend.

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THE MYSTERY OF THE MISMATCHED LOUBS 🔍 Did Carrie buy these mismatched sandals straight off the rack? Or did she purchase two separate pairs and mix them together herself? Are they a metaphor for her inability to choose between Aidan and Big? Unfortunately, we have no answers. But we do maintain that this is one of her most compelling footwear moments on the series. Miranda, on the other hand, is using fashion to assert her dominance as a New Yorker. The LBD and floating necklace (presumably purchased from the MoMa Design Store) practically scream, “I fucking hate Los Angeles.” Samantha is considerably more comfortable in her new surroundings, which she expresses via a suitably tacky aqua ensemble that evokes Halston by way of Michel Kors. The only missing element from this stellar group look is Charlotte, who was too busy putting putting postage stamps on Trey’s dick. (S3/EP13) #CarrieBradshaw #MirandaHobbes #SamanthaJones #ChristianLouboutin #Asymmetry #GOAT

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