Trenerka, ki jo ljudje obsojajo, da nima prave fitnes postave

18. 7. 2017
Trenerka, ki jo ljudje obsojajo, da nima prave fitnes postave (foto: profimedia)

Obsodbe. Ljudje zelo radi (največkrat neupravičeno) ocenujemo druge, še posebej na spletu pa smo zadnje čase priča pravi eksploziji negativnosti, žalitev in obsodb. In videz pri tem pogosto igra pomembnejšo vlogo.

Slika človeka, ki ga še ne poznamo dobro, je sestavljena iz objektivnih podatkov, ki so nam ob prvem stiku na voljo. Mednje v prvi vrsti spada videz, zunanja urejenost, postava in druge fizične značilnosti. Ob tem vsi po vrsti pozabljamo, da videz pogosto vara, naše predsodke pa rado spodbujajo tudi spletni anonimneži, ki so iz dneva v dan bolj žaljivi.

O tem, kako krivične so lahko naše sodbe na podlagi videza, je na Instagramu spregovorila tudi fitnes trenerka Cassey Ho potem, ko je pod svoje fotografije prejela veliko negativnih komentarjev na račun svoje postave. Večina njih ji je očitala predvsem, da kot trenerka nima dovolj izoblikovanega telesa in mišic.

Cassey, ki jo sicer ljudje poznajo pod imenom Blogilates, na svojem Youtube kanalu redno objavlja nasvete za zdravo življenje, motivacijske videoposnetke in video vadbe, časopis The Times pa jo je letos uvrstil na lestvico 25 najvplivnejših ljudi na internetu.

Na obsodbe o njeni ne-fitnes postavi se je odzvala takole:

  • "Tudi če sem izjemno ponosna na svoje fitnes dosežke, se vedno najde nekdo, ki reče: "Brez zamere, ampak zakaj je po vseh teh letih vedbe Cassey še vedno debela?" Tega ne pišem, da bi dobila vašo tolažbo in nasvete, češ naj igrnoriram "sovražnike", saj se tudi sama včasih sprašujem, zakaj nisem super fit in mišičasta. Imam pač mehkejše telo. In to sprejemam, ker je moje telo roman z zapleteno zgodbo. Doživela sem ekstremno suhost in izklesansot mišic, ampak sem bila nesrečna in nezmožna optimalnega delovanja na ostalih področjih življenja. Zato sem se odločila, da bom sprejela svoje telo, postala sem srečna in ogromno sem dosegla na poslovnem področju, zgradila sem nova razmerja in postala bolj kreativna. Za vse, ki boste rekli, da se samo izgovarjam - še vedno vsak dan telovadim! Moje telo je zdaj rezultat dela in ne cilja! Zapomnite si, da je vsako telo drugačno. Ni pravega ali napačnega načina za hujšanje ali definiranje mišic, saj smo izoblikovani različno, to je v naših genih! Vsak od vas bi tako imel drugačen načrt vadbe in prehranske nasvete. Sama ne štejem več kalorij in zagotovo ne telovadim več kot eno uro na dan. Včasih tudi samo 28 minut. In veste kaj? Počutim se DOBRO. MOČNO. NEPREMAGLJIVO."

No matter how proud I am of my fitness achievements, there's always someone that will say "Not to be rude but why is Cassey still fat after all these years of working out? She looks bulky and has rolls." I'm not writing this so you can tell me to "ignore the haters" because I don't think this person is a hater. I think this person is genuinely asking why I'm not stick thin or ultra muscly like all the other trainers out there. And the truth is, I ask myself this all the time. If most people did what I did workout wise and eating wise, they would probably be stick thin or ultra muscly. But not me. I have a soft body. And I'm accepting that because my body is so much more than a loud billboard. My body is a novel with an intricate story. I've been there - skinny and toned. But I was miserable. I could not function at my optimal levels in other areas of my life. So I choose to be happy with this body while being happy with the other cool things I'm getting to accomplish in business, relationships and creativity. And for anyone thinking that I'm making an excuse for my soft body, nope. I'm still working everyday to get stronger. My body is simply a result of the work, not the goal. Look nothing's over til I die, so I'll keep trying new things!! Please remember that...EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT! There is no one right way to lose fat or gain muscle. We're all formulated differently. It's in our genes! So each of our prescriptions for diet and exercise will be different. What I can say though is that I don't count calories anymore and I surely don't spend more than an hour working out a day. Sometimes it's only 28 minutes! And I FEEL. GOOD. POWERFUL. UNSTOPPABLE. If you're looking for something new to try, try #PIIT28! It's Pilates. Intense. Interval. Training. I love how it makes me feel! I hope this helps you guys find what works for you! Remember to love your body and never stop working hard! Love you so much!

A post shared by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on May 31, 2017 at 10:03am PDT

Nedavno je zapisala tudi:

  • "Kot lahko vidite, sedaj nisem tako vitka, kot sem bila v času bikini tekmovanja. Ampak veste kaj? Počutim se močno! In mislim, da dobro izgledam. In ko govorimo o obsojanju mojega telesa, edino moje mnenje zares šteje! "

Finding harmony with my body, my lifestyle, and my career is something that I've struggled with for a long time. And to be totally honest, I still do! I've been on both extremes. 1️⃣ If I exercise a lot and restrict calories (please don't only eat 1000 cals a day ever!!!!), I may be super lean and "look fit", but I don't have enough time or energy to be creative and excel with my work. 2️⃣ If I work too much, my company may grow faster, but at the expense of me sitting in a chair all day, becoming physically weaker while gaining weight. So...finding that harmony was such a fickle thing...but once I found it, I FELT UNSTOPPABLE. So as you can see, on my current photo, I'm not as lean (or as tan) as during my bikini competition, but I feel at PEACE. I feel strong. And you know what? I think I look GOOD! And! What I think is the only thing that matters when it comes to judging my body. I get into this A LOT in the newest episode of the @besheroic podcast! Go listen to it now to find out more about how to find your balance with working out. ‍♀️ (Bio link) Also could you please please PLEASE rate ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and leave a review?! I know it's hard to figure out how to do (like why iTunes why!?), but leaving a review really helps the podcast get discovered by more listeners! PLUS I really wanna know what you honestly think! Thank you guys, and love you! ♥️ #besheroic #piit28 #blogilates

A post shared by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on Jul 5, 2017 at 2:46pm PDT

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